Saturday , 7 September 2024

The Rainy Season Composition Bangladesh for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

In this post, We will share with You a Composition on The Rainy Season. It will take up to 20 30 minutes to fully understand the Composition.

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The Rainy Season Composition for Class 6, 7, 8

Introduction: There are six seasons in Bangladesh. The rainy season is the second. It comes right after the sweltering summer heat. The months of Asr and Shraban are the rainy season.

When and how did it happen/How did it happen: Extreme heat in summer turns sea water into steam. The winds that blow over our country at this time of year carry their vapors with them. This vapor comes into contact with the cool air or on mountain peaks, freezes into clouds and causes rain.

Short Description/Disadvantages: During the rainy season, the sky is overcast with black clouds. Sometimes, the sun can never be seen for days together. There was a downpour with flashes of lightning and peals of thunder. Sometimes, it rains continuously day and night. The rivers of our country turn purple, overflow their banks and cause floods. The fields, meadows and low roads in Bangladesh were submerged in water and people could not get out to do work outside their homes.

Advantages and disadvantages: The rainy season is the giver of life and nature. During hot summer days, all nature seems to die. Animals get fed up with the terrible heat. Man feeling tired. When it rains, the whole face of nature changes. The parched land finds new life. All trees, plants and crops grow with the arrival of the rainy season. Nature becomes green and fresh. The farmers in our country are happy because they can work their land and grow crops. The rainy season also has its drawbacks. Because it rained all day, it was impossible to go outside. The poor villagers living in the huts suffered greatly. They can’t go to work. They had to go without food with all family members. Excessive rainfall causes flooding and damages crops. Sometimes it sweeps livestock and other things from villagers. As a result, starvation sometimes occurs.

Uses/Blessings of the season: The rainy season is also beneficial for us. It purifies the air and removes impurities. It reduces summer heat. Green leaves grow on trees. Cultivator of our country can make rice fields ready. Our plants, trees and crops grow fast. Various juicy fruits like jackfruit, mango, banana, pineapple etc.

Conclusion: The rainy season has both advantages and disadvantages. But this is the most important and useful season for our country. Because it’s responsive, it’s good for us in many ways.

The Rainy Season Composition For Class 9, 10

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Bangladesh has six seasons. Monsoon is their second season. Bengali months – Asadha and Shravan are called rainy season. Sometimes it starts earlier and lasts longer. Among the six seasons of Bangladesh, monsoon is the most important due to its contribution to our agriculture. During monsoons, the sky is often overcast with thick black plumes that float across the sky near Earth. Monsoon season facilitates the navigation system of the country and thereby increases our trade.

Rainy season is caused by monsoon. The southwest monsoon blows over Bangladesh from the Bay of Bengal from June to September. It actually brings rain. A large amount of sea water evaporates during summer. At the onset of monsoon, the vapor cools and forms clouds on contact with cool air currents. Heavy and incessant rainfall fills wells, ponds, rivers, canals, lakes etc. Thus, there is a heavy rainfall and monsoon season in Bangladesh.

The sky is cloudy during monsoon. Sometimes the sun is not visible. It hides behind the clouds. It is raining a lot. Sometimes it rains for days together. Ponds, canals, rivers – all are cultivated during this season. Rivers usually overflow their banks. The roads are muddy and in many cases unusable. Many villages have to go by boat. During this season, the landscape turns green. Trees shed dry leaves and grow new leaves. It makes our land silty, fertile and suitable for better crops. Hilsa and other fish are available in this season.

Monsoon season is a blessing for our country. Bangladesh is an agricultural country and most of the crops grow well in rainwater. Rainwater runoff makes our soil fertile. Farmers are eagerly waiting for the rains as farming is dependent on rains. If there is no rain, the field cannot be cultivated. Abundant rainfall is required for paddy and jute cultivation. It floats. Dirt and filth from the surface of the earth. It also purifies the atmosphere. Men can easily move from one place to another by boat. Excess rains cause flooding and crop damage. Sometimes it sweeps away the cattle and other belongings of the villagers. As a result there are occasional famines.

It is true that monsoons have some drawbacks. Nevertheless, it is the most important season in Bangladesh. The reason behind this is that Bangladesh is an agricultural country and is mainly dependent on rain for agriculture. This season is closely related with the prosperity of the country’s economy and people. The prosperity and development of our agriculture, the heart of our economy, is largely dependent on the mercy of monsoons. In fact monsoon season is a blessing for our country’s economy and people’s prosperity. We always welcome this season and enjoy its beauty.


So, we have Shared with You The Rainy Season Composition. I hope this post was helpful to You. If you have confusion sure Ask us in the comment section.

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