Wednesday , 24 July 2024

Write a Letter to Your Younger Brother Advising Him to Take Care of His Health

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Write a Letter to Your Younger Brother Advising Him to Take Care of His Health.

16 July, 2022

Kazi-Para, Dinajpur.

Dear Mohammad,

I am very Sorry to know that you have been going on ill with your health.

Always remember that health is vealth (1 F7)
and health is the root of all happiness.
In order to build up a good health you must
follow the rules of health . Always get up early in the morning and take a physical exercise. Do not keep late hours. Always keep yourself neat
and clean . You must take a balanced diet.
You will take part all kinds of outdoors games

I hope that you will follow my advice and take
care of your health for your betterment .

Your elder brother,


Write a Letter to Your Younger Brother Advising Him to Take Care of His Health

16 July, 2022

Kazi-Para, Dinajpur.

Dear Mohammad,

I hope you find this letter in good condition. how are you now? Mom shared with me that you are not taking care of your health! We call health wealth in the sense that all the wealth of any kind that a person wants to have can happen only when one is healthy! Suppose a man wants to enjoy maximum of his life. For this he needs an abundant supply of resources like money, luxuries, company of like minded friends etc. Let’s say he has it all except health. Do you think he will be able to enjoy life? No, not at all! The luxuries of life can be enjoyed only when one is healthy.

This wealth of health can only be earned and preserved through self-discipline, moderation, exercise of body and mind, meditation, gratitude and cheerfulness. Therefore, one should give proper nutrition, self-restraint, physical exercise, proper sleep, laughter and meditation. I hope you will take care of your health by taking nutritious diet, exercising daily and taking proper sleep. Please take care of your health.

your affectionately,


Write a Letter to Your Younger Brother Advising Him to Take Care of His Health

16 July, 2022

Kazi-Para, Dinajpur.

Dear Mohammad,

Mother always tells me that you are getting weaker day by day. He is concerned about your physical fitness. You get sick sometimes. She complains that you don’t take your meals on time and tries to develop your health. You always remember “health is wealth.” Good health keeps the mind healthy. If you are physically weak, you will lose interest in studies. So I would advise you to eat plenty of food daily and do regular physical exercise to improve your health and mind. Good health is the key to success. I hope you will be mindful of your health and follow my advice to stay healthy both in health and mind. Good health gives us joy and happiness.

Your elder brother,



So, We have Share with you The Perfect Write a Letter to Your Younger Brother Advising Him to Take Care of His Health. I hope this Post from was helpful for You. If you have confusion sure Ask us in the comment section.

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