Saturday , 7 September 2024

Load Shedding Paragraph in Advanced Book For All The Classes

In this post, We will Share with you Load Shedding Paragraph in Advanced Book for all the Classe. If You read the paragraph Cairfully then You can expect full marks on the examination hall and class test.

Load Shedding Paragraph in Advanced Book

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Load shedding is currently the most talked about problem in Bangladesh. It has become a national crisis. There are many reasons for load shedding.
Firstly, the insufficient output of power supply is the main cause of load shedding. Second, unplanned distribution of electricity is also another reason. Third, illegal connections and artificial lack of production are also responsible for load shedding. Also, stealing electricity under the pretext of system damage is another cause of the problem.
There are many bad effects of load shedding. This creates problems that have far-reaching consequences on the socio-economic development of the country. It frustrates national, social and individual progress. Due to load shedding, the entire lifestyle, both domestic and industrial, comes to a standstill. Domestic life becomes painful as a group of housewives in a dark kitchen. Factories, mills, industries come to a standstill. Students cannot continue their studies. Emergency medical treatment is severely hampered. Medical patients can be in a lot of trouble. Food kept in the refrigerator tends to rot due to load shedding. Load shedding helps criminals to commit crimes in the dark.
Now the problem is getting out of control day by day. The government should first come forward to solve this. We humans are responsible for load shedding. The government should set up more power plants to meet the power demand.
We should not waste electricity. The authority should disconnect the illegal connection and impose fine on the responsible persons. The authority should also have a plan for distribution of electricity.


So, we have Shared with You Load Shedding Paragraph in Advanced Book. You will get full marks from reading the paragraph Cairfully. I hope this Post was helpful for You. If you have confusion sure Ask us in the comment section.

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